
Mon-Fri: 8:30am to 5:30pm Central

Ditch Assist Comprehensive FAQ

QuestionAnswerIs there a way to create an elevation map using Ditch Assist?Ditch Assist doesn’t natively support creating elevation or contour maps within the app. If you have an existing elevation of contour map of the field or land (say in your precision ag...

Ditch Assist Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions Depending upon the type of equipment you plan to install Ditch Assist on, the exact method will vary somewhat. Ditch Assist is extremely simple to install and move between equipment. The following guidelines should help you determine a...

Understanding How Ditch Assist Works

Understanding How Ditch Assist Works Ditch Assist’s primary function is to sustain a target elevation with the implement blade. This target elevation can be derived from one of the following: a ‘best-fit’ design generated through Slope-IQ, which is...

Ditch Assist Operating Principles

Ditch Assist Operating Principles The Ditch Assist Control Module is the central component of the Ditch Assist system The Control Module establishes its own WiFi access point when it is powered on The user operates Ditch Assist via the Ditch Assist Android App that is...

Quick-Start Guide to Using Ditch Assist

Quick-Start Guide to Using Ditch Assist While we strongly advise reading the entire manual for the best user experience, if you’re in a hurry, here are the key steps to get Ditch Assist up and running as swiftly as possible: Install Ditch Assist Hardware: ...